
Sea Turtle Conservancy

6:00 PM

Brevard County Barrier Island Center

According to numerous studies done on child education, children learn best from experience.  On UNICEF website it states that "children learn best by doing, using their senses, exploring their environment of people, things, places and events.  They learn from first-hand and concrete experiences."  

For our sea turtle unit, we went to Brevard County Barrier Island Center which is located in the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge in Melbourne Beach.  It has many interactive exhibits which provide educational hands-on experiences for children and adults.  We went during Tour de Turtles where two loggerhead turtles named Leonora & Turpac were released back into the ocean. 

 It was such a wonderful experience!!!

Loggerhead sea turtle that was released back to the ocean

There was a great turnout; more than 700 people came

Cici attempting to locate Leonora & Turpac

Cici showing off her new Tour de Turtles shirt that was purchased to benefit sea turtle conservancy

Cici studying the diagram of a sea turtle

Below you can see few more interactive exhibits

The next day, we went on  http://www.tourdeturtles.org/ to track Leonora's & Turpac's migration and we have been tracking them regularly.

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